Communities We Serve

The communities that the Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District serves are located in four areas. Poudre Canyon stretches for 60 miles along Hwy 14 and for our purposes is divided into four population areas, Lower Poudre Canyon east of the narrows, Upper Poudre Canyon west of the narrows, Spencer Heights 15 miles on west of Rustic and the Manhattan Creek area which include County Road 69 and County Road 68C. Poudre Park is the population center of the Lower Poudre Canyon. Many of these people have jobs in town and commute to work. Rustic and Spenser Heights are the population centers of the Upper Poudre Canyon. Most people who live in these areas are retired. The fourth area we serve is along County Road 68C. Here you will find the Drala Mountain Center and the Ben Delatour Scout Ranch. Most of the folks who live in this area are self-employed or retired.