Notice to users of our website
Notice to users of our website
Due to State legislation: HB 21-1110, SB 23-224, 8 CCR 1501-11, HB 24-1454, and federal legislation on website accessibility, we discovered that many of our PDF files do not pass the accessibility requirements. Because we are a small, volunteer district we don't have the staff, funding, software programs, or technical expertise to make these files accessible. The fine for not having these files accessible is $3,500.00. So we had two choices, close down our website or archive PDF files that did not pass accessibility tests. We chose to archive the files. This means for 100% of our users, the website will no longer have easy-to-access PDF files. Instead, you must contact us for a specific archived PDF file. We can also no longer put our financial reports on the website. The PDF files generated from our Quickbook program are too difficult and take way too much time to make them accessible. We apologize for this inconvenience.